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Similar to other XR toolkits for Unity the Reality Toolkit comes with its own interaction framework, designed to get you up and running quickly implementing immersive apps and games with modern interactions.

The Reality Toolkit interaction framework is a love-child of Unity's XRI package and MRTK. If none of those two rings a bell for you, don't worry, you don't need to be familiar with those to use interactions with Reality Toolkit.

For best understanding, we recommend reading through this documentation in the predefined page order.

High-level Concept

On a high level, there are three key players invovled when it comes to interactions with Reality Toolkit:

InteractorInteractableInteraction Behaviours
Interactors define how you interact with the virtual world. The toolkit comes with a bunch of common interactors, such as FarInteractor, NearInteractor, and PokeInteractor. You can learn more about each on the Interactors page.Interactables are objects in your virtual environment that the user can interact with. Use it to define how the object wants to be interacted with and to restrict interaction types. You can learn more about them on the Interactables page.Interaction Behaviours are atomic components that you can add to your interactables to define their behaviour when interacted with. The toolkit comes with many interaction actions, such as GrabBehaviour, TranslateBehaviour, ButtonBehaviour and ToggleBehaviour. Learn more about them on the Interaction Behaviours page.

Put simple in a single sentence: An Interactor interacts with an Interactable object and causes one ore more Interaction Behaviours to execute.

Keep on reading to learn more about each of them.